What triggered your child’s anxiety? Why does it matter?
A child can start to feel anxious for all sorts of reasons. It could have been triggered by a major life event such as a change of school, loss of a loved one or pet etc. It could also be from ongoing strain, such as parental arguments, bullying, exams, expectation etc. Whatever the reason may […]
A case of extreme PMT fixed with homeopathy
A case from the archives. Lei was a 16-year-old teenager who came for treatment for severe PMT / PMS symptoms. Her periods started at 14 years old and PMS symptoms were there from the start. Two years on and her periods were still irregular, ranging from 18 to 30 day cycles. Pre-menstrual symptoms would start […]
Quick recommendation for easing anxiety until you see a homeopath
Quick recommendation - if you or your child are suffering with anxiety or stress this is a handy little support you can carry in your bag for whenever you need it. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can really soothe and calm a troubled mind. It is also great if you have had a shock or accident. […]
HPV Vaccine Reaction – how homeopathy helped
Annie* came to the clinic with her mother following her second HPV vaccine. A confident, enthusiastic 14-year-old, I had met her before when her brother had come in for homeopathic treatment. This time though, Annie was a very different girl. In the UK, whilst the parent must give written consent for their child to have […]