Attention Deficit Disorders (ADHD/ADD) are the most common psychological problems that parents look for help for their children from paediatricians, doctors, CAMHS or complementary therapies.

Being able to concentrate, pay attention and focus are so important in a child's development because they are needed for all learning, thinking and social interaction. If these abilities are not working fully, it can have a big impact on that child and also their siblings, parents, class mates and teachers.


Children with ADHD tendencies filter external stimuli in a different way. If there is a disturbance in that filter, the child can perceive all stimuli in the environment at once but, unable to filter, will feel disorientated, have disturbed concentration, restlessness and rapid fatigue. It will have knock on affects to their senses in differing ways; you may recognise some of the following in your child:

Sight - delays in drawing, difficulty reading and writing despite obvious intelligence (dyslexia), sensitivity to light, reactions worse when reading

Touch - ticklish, fidgety, cramping, finding certain clothes uncomfortable (labels). Reject being held or cuddled, or the opposite - constantly seeking touch

Hearing - oversensitive hearing (very reactive to loud noises, but not to their own loud noise), inattention ('he isn't listening'), stammering

Smell - oversensitive to smells or poor sense of smell

Taste - oversensitive or reduced sensitivity

Balance - travel sickness, falls, fear of heights

Inner body - manual and motor clumsiness. Writing is difficult, cramped and tiring. Child may fall easily or be clumsy

Processing - weak memory, easily distracted, restlessness, hyperactivity, tiredness, poor concentration

The above doesn't cover the other emotional and behavioural symptoms you may be seeing in your child, such as anger, frustration, meltdowns, problems with sleep and so on. There is also an overlap with other neurological conditions such as Dyslexia, Autism etc. Knock on affects from any on the above list may lead to criticism, lack of approval or being told off for their behaviour etc, which can contribute to low self esteem, anxiety and depression.

I know how hard it can be for both the child and their family to deal with the ups and downs of ADHD and I am passionate about helping to improve the child's health and wellbeing.

My approach is to evaluate the above problems, which are a unique combination in each child, together with the rest of their health history, and match them with the best homeopathic remedy.

Treatment is likely to include:

Treating gut health (a common issue)

Heavy metal, medication and/or toxin clearing (where relevant)

Constitutional remedies

Birth trauma clearing

Underlying family traits (miasms)

Treatment is medium term though gradual gains can be seen within 1 month. Improvements are measured using the Conner's Global Index. A child does not need to have a formal diagnosis to get homeopathic help with ADHD tendencies.

©2024 Rachel Gawne | Powered by WebHealer


Privacy Notice for Clients

I take the privacy rights of my clients very seriously. This privacy policy sets out how I deal with your ‘personal information’, that is, information that could identify, or is related to the identity of, an individual.

What personal information do I collect?

In order to treat you, I will ask you to provide certain information. This includes:



Date of birth

Home address

Email address

Telephone number

Medical history.

To this, over time, I will add details of the conditions for which you have consulted me and the remedies and other therapies that I have prescribed or recommended.

How do I collect this personal information?

All the information collected is obtained directly from you. This is usually at the point of your initial consultation. The information may be collected via a ‘medical history form’ or during the first consultation. At the point at which you provide your personal information.

Your consent is required in order to ensure my compliance with data protection legislation. By booking a consultation on my online diary, I will ask if you consent to these terms.

During our ongoing consultations, I will add to this initial information the details of the consultations. This information will be stored in hard copy and held securely in my consultation room.

How long do I keep your personal information?

Your information will be stored for 7 years after your last consultation. For children, I will keep the health records for a period of 7 years after their 18th birthday, as is required by our Licence to practice. At that point, your file will be securely destroyed and any digital information will be erased from my computer systems.

How do use this personal information?

I use your personal information to analyse the conditions for which you have consulted me and to prescribe remedies and other therapies.

I will communicate with you by email, by telephone or video call, or messaging service online and through the internet.

With whom do I share your personal information?

I do not share your personal information

How your information can be updated or corrected

To ensure that I have accurate and up-to-date information, you need to inform me of any changes you believe I should make to the personal information I hold. You can do this by contacting me by any of the methods previously described.

Under data protection legislation, you have the right to inspect the personal information I hold about you. You can make a request to do so by contacting me and I will endeavour to respond within 14 working days.

How do I store your personal information?

(1) Client Notes

Notes are paper-based and are held securely within my consulting room. I take steps to protect your personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.

(2) Online Diary

I currently use the online booking service This means your name and contact details are stored on their secure hosting. These details will not be shared with anyone else. Your information on the booking platform ensures we can book consultations in your own time zone and I can send reminders by email, take payments if required and you can easily change your appointments if needed.

Email Support Platform

I currently use mailchimp emailing service to keep my clients informed of news, courses, homeopathic information, special offers and package deals. Your first name and email address will be stored on the programme. If you do not wish to receive these emails you can unsubscribe at any time. Once you unsubscribe your email is kept in a holding list so that it cannot be added again to the list.

Changes to this policy

This policy may change from time to time. If I make any material changes, I will make you aware of them.


If you have any queries about this policy, need it in an alternative format, or have any complaints about my privacy practices, please contact me.